Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen <p>Tractare adalah Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bentara Persada Batam. Terbit perdana jurnal ini dimulai sejak tahun 2012 dengan siklus terbit 2 kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Desember dan Mei. Fokus jurnal ini adalah publikasi artikel bidang penelitian ilmu manajemen, bisnis, dan kewirausahaan. ISSN Jurnal Tractare adalah 2301-8445.</p> id-ID (Imelda Tamba, S.E., M.M.) ( Dr. Karona Cahya Susena) Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis Of The Influence Of Economic Growth And Human Development Index On Poverty In Jombang District In 2012-2022 <p><em>Poverty can be defined as an economic inability to meet basic food and non-food needs as measured in terms of expenditure. To measure poverty, certain indicators are used, because indicators are indirect measurements of an event or condition, such as poverty. BPS has 14 indicators that can be used to measure poverty in Indonesia. These indicators can be grouped into three quality categories, namely economics, human resources (HR), and health. According to the Jombang Regency government's explanation on the Surabaya Morning page, the poverty rate in Jombang Regency could decrease below 8.5 percent. Based on the background of this problem, this research is intended to measure and analyze how economic growth and the human development index influence poverty in Jombang Regency. Economic growth shows that it does not have a significant influence on poverty in Jombang district in 2012-2022. This happens if an increase in growth will cause a decrease in poverty in Jombang Regency and conversely if there is a decrease in economic growth it will increase poverty. The human development index has a positive effect on the poverty variable with the regression coefficient value showing that the human development index has a positive effect on poverty in Jombang Regency in 2012-2022. If there is an increase in the level of human development, it will also increase the level of poverty, and conversely, if there is a decrease in the human development index, it will reduce poverty. Economic growth and the human development index both have an influence on poverty in Jombang Regency. If the economic situation improves, poverty will decrease, and if the high human development index is not equivalent to economic growth, the poverty level will increase. Various alternative economic solutions have been carried out, including the creation of RPJMDes, increasing MSMEs, and so on.</em></p> M. Harisun Naufal, Khotim Fadhli Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect Of Service Quality, Price, And Promotion On Glass Sales At PT. Prisma Danta Abadi Batam <p>This study aims to determine the influence of service quality, price, and promotion on the sales of glass at PT Prisma Danta Abadi Batam. The data collection techniques employed in this research include literature review and the distribution of questionnaires. This research utilizes a quantitative research method. The sample size determination in this study uses purposive sampling with a total of 50 respondents. The result of the study with a significance level of 5% indicate that: (1) The variable of service quality has a positive and significant effect on glass sales, this can be seen from a significant value of 0,047 smaller than 0,05 and t_(count )2,039 &gt; t_table 2,010. (2) The variable of price has a positive and significant effect on glass sales, this can be seen from a significant value of 0,047 smaller than 0,05 and t_(count )2,039 &gt; t_table 2,010. (3) The variable of promotion has a positive and significant effect on glass sales, this can be seen from a significant value of 0,009 smaller than 0,05 and t_(count ) 2,733 &gt; t_table 2,010. (4) The Variabel of service quality, price, and promotion together affect glass sales by 45,8% and the remaining 54,2% is influenced by another factor outside the research variable used, this shows that the calculated F_(count )is 12,962 &gt; F_(teble ) 2,798 with significance of 0,000 .</p> Werenfridus Gulevear Peuhulu , Brigida Endah Nuraeni , Pilifus Junianto Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Studi Literatur : Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Sehari-Hari Secara Daring (E-Grocery) <p>Perkembangan internet yang sangat pesat mampu mengubah perilaku konsumen dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya. Budaya berbelanja ke pasar atau supermarket mulai tergantikan dengan adanya belanja kebutuhan secara daring atau <em>e-grocery</em>. Pandemi <em>COVID-19</em> yang melanda dunia beberapa tahun lalu semakin menguatkan tren ini menjadi tidak tergantikan. Dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan metode Studi Literatur, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi dan menghambat perilaku konsumen terhadap <em>e-grocery</em>. Selain itu, hasil pada penelitian ini juga diharapkan mampu memprediksi bagaimana <em>e-grocery </em>pada masa mendatang.</p> Daniel Kasidi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Catholic Meaning Behind The Name: Name Management Analysis <p>This writing aims to assert that not just anyone can use the name "Catholic" behind an institution. The name carries a myriad of meanings that must be considered wisely before being used. This research was conducted using a literature research method. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used a descriptive analysis method. The researcher delved into the material based on topics from books, journals, and other literature studies. The results of this research indicate that the use of the name "Catholic" carries a burden of spirituality and morality that must be borne. In the context of teaching the faith, the relevant parties cannot spontaneously use the name "Catholic" but must consult and seek approval from the leaders. Therefore, certain institutions that use the name "Catholic" need to build effective management performance. The relevant parties must carefully consider and then use the name "Catholic" and be ready to take responsibility for it in their operational reality. Thus, the use of the name "Catholic" has philosophical, theological, and legal correlations.</p> Laurensius Dihe Sanga, Bernardus Somi Balun Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence Of Leadership And Work Facilities On Employee Performance At Bank Bri Manna Branch, South Bengkulu District <p><em>Banks are companies where people borrow and save money. With banks, human resources must be more professional in managing finances. Human resources are the people who design and formulate all organizational strategies and goals. Without people who have expertise or competence, it is impossible for an organization to achieve its goals. The sample in this research was all BRI Manna Branch Employees, South Bengkulu Regency, totaling 67 people. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis are the equation: Y = 10.904 + 0.334 X1 + 0.423 at BRI Manna Branch, South Bengkulu Regency The value of the coefficient of determination using SPSS 23.00 can be seen from the coefficient of determination from R square of 0.662. This means that the Leadership value (X1) and Work Facilities value (X2) influence Employee Performance (Y) by 66.2.0% while the remaining 33.8% is influenced by other variables not examined in the research. The results of the t test at a significance level of 0.05 explain that partially leadership and work facilities have a significant influence on employee performance at BRI Manna Branch, South Bengkulu Regency. The results of the f test at a significance level of 0.05 explain that leadership and work facilities have a significant simultaneous influence on employee performance at BRI Manna Branch, South Bengkulu Regency. </em></p> Fran Arles, Karona Cahya Susena , Yudi Irawan Abi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence Of Work Environment, Individual Characteristics, Discipline And Leadership Style On The Performance Of Subbidprovos Bispropam Polda Kepri <p><em>Disciplinary violations that are still occurring in the Riau Islands Police Subbidprovos Bidpropam, which has tagging responsibility in its work, namely managing the orderliness of every member of the police, is currently an obstacle. This study aims to determine the effect of the Work Environment, Individual Characteristics, Discipline, and Leadership Style on the Performance of the Riau Islands Regional Police Bidpropam Subbidprovos. The population in this study were all members of the Riau Islands Police Subbidprovos Bidpropam, totaling 88 people. The sampling technique was carried out using the Saturated Sampling Jenuh. Data were obtained using a questionnaire instrument that had been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that: there was an influence of the work environment, individual characteristics, discipline, and leadership style on the performance of the Riau Islands Police Subbidprovos. Bidpropam, this can be seen from the results of the work environment, namely tcount thitung (4.395) &gt; ttabel (1.988), df = 83. Individual characteristics is tcount thitung (-574) &lt; ttabel (1.988), df = 83. Discipline is tcount yaitu thitung (3.517) &gt; ttabel (1.988), df = 83. Leadership style is tcount thitung (2.408) &gt; ttabel (1.988), df = 83. </em></p> Rona Tanjung, Mira Yona, Jeffi Mutiara, Elaria Mirhanda Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Indek Kepuasan Masyarakat Terhadap Pelayanan Publik Pada Dinas Penanaman Modal Dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan <p><em>Basically, the Indonesia government system places service as the basis for improving bureaucratic relations between the state and society, which is planced in the service government system as a from of achieving common goals which of course need special attention in order to achieving the nation’s ideal. The purpose of this research is to determine the analysis of the public satisfaction index analysis of public service at the south Bengkulu regency investment and one-stop integrated services &nbsp;The type of research in this research is descriptive. The analytical method in this research uses the measurement of the value of the Community Satisfaction Index / IKM based on the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2017 concerning Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform concerning Guidelines for Preparing Community Satisfaction Surveys for Public Service Providing Units From this research, the 9 elements of service in the South Bengkulu Regency One Stop Investment and Services Service (DPMPTSP) include systems, mechanisms and procedures as well as handling, complaints, facilities and input which are stated to be very good with a conversion index quality value of 88.25 and 85.25 .</em></p> Peringki Peringki, Ahmad Soleh , Yun Fitriano Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Performance Of Village Government Officials In The Implementation Of Government Tasks Village In Lebong Atas Sub-District Lebong District <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of compensation and job satisfaction on the performance of employees at the Qudwatunaa Islamic boarding school in South Bengkulu. This research is quantitative research with a survey method. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, interviews and were documented with a sample of 44 people. This research results in Compensation (X1) influencing the performance of the employees of the Qudwatunaa Islamic Boarding School, South Bengkulu (Y). This can be seen in the multiple linear regression test, the b1 value (regression coefficient value X1) is 0.036. Apart from that, the b2 value (regression coefficient value 0.05. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that compensation and job satisfaction influence the performance of the employees of the Qudwatunaa Islamic Boarding School, South Bengkulu based on the results of the F-test, the sign value is 0.000 &lt; 0.05 and the f-count value is 10,345 &gt; 3.22</em></p> Iza Mahendera, Karona Cahya Susena, Kamelia Astuty Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors That Influence Consumer Satisfaction Using Seven One Hotel Lodging Manna South Bengkulu <p><em>Marketing activities are crucial for the hospitality industry, as hotels provide complex services and facilities available 24 hours a day. Hotels support business travelers and tourists in need of accommodation, food, drinks, and entertainment during their stays. This research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing methods such as Validity Testing, Reliability Testing, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination, and hypothesis testing through t-test. The study involved 62 visitors to Hotel Seven One in South Manna, South Bengkulu. The Multiple Linear Regression Analysis results in the equation Y = 5.805 +0.160 X1 + 0.338X2 + 0.148X3 + 0.073 X4 + 0.181 X4, indicating a positive regression direction. The physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) factors have a positive influence on customer satisfaction (Y) at Hotel Seven One in Manna, South Bengkulu. The coefficient of determination value, calculated using SPSS, is R-squared at 0.961. This suggests that the physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) collectively influence customer satisfaction (Y) by 96.1%, with the remaining 3.9% affected by unexamined variables. The t-test results at a significance level of 0.05 show that individual X variables significantly impact Y at Hotel Seven One in Manna, South Bengkulu.</em></p> M. Sendika Martha Dwi Putra Putra, Siti Hanila, Zoniarti Zoniarti Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Kualitas Barang Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Toko Vei Baby Kids Manna Bengkulu Selatan <p><em>In the world of the clothing business, especially clothing for babies, a shop must be more active in marketing and improving the quality of goods. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of product quality and price on purchasing decisions at the Vei Baby Kids Manna Store, South Bengkulu. The analytical method in this research uses Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination, and hypothesis testing using t test and f test with the total sample studied being 67 buyers of goods at the Vei Baby Kids Manna Store. From the results of calculations using SPSS 24, we can see that the quality of goods and price have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. In this case, the significance value of the variable X &lt;0.05, namely 0.000. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis are the equation Y = 9.319 + 0.371 Kids Manna South Bengkulu. The value of the coefficient of determination from the calculation results using SPSS can be seen from the coefficient of determination from R square of 0.686. This means that the value of the Product Quality (X1) and Price (X2) variables influences the purchasing decision variable (Y) by 68.6% while the remaining 31.4% is influenced by other variables. </em></p> Marisa Ayu Ningtias, Sri Handayani , Ramadan Subhi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Calculation Of Cost Of Production Of Poached Egg Bakmi Using The Application Of The Full Costing Method In A Legiteat Noodle Business In Bengkulu City <p><em>The aim of this research is to analyze the basic cost calculation analysis for the production of pouched egg noodles using the full costing method in the Legiteat Noodle Business in Bengkulu City. The analytical method used in this research is the descriptive method. The descriptive method is a form of research aimed at describing ongoing activities.The results of the study show that the calculation of the cost of production carried out by the Legiteat Noodle Business in Bengkulu City, the cost of production of pouched egg noodles per bowl is Rp. 7,705. Based on the full costing method, the cost of production of pouched egg noodles per bowl is Rp. 12,021. There is a difference in the calculation of the cost of production between the company's calculation and the full costing method. In the company method, the cost of raw materials and auxiliary materials is only calculated, while the full costing method makes a more detailed calculation by calculating all cost components, namely raw material costs, labor costs, factory overhead costs and non-production costs. </em></p> Nipa Holiza, Neri Susanti, Nenden Restu Hidayah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Accounting Information Systems For Cash Receipts And Disbursements At Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City <p><em>The aim of this research is to analyze the accounting information system for cash receipts and disbursements at the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy in Bengkulu City according to Mulyadi's theory (2019:379). The data analysis method is comparative descriptive analysis between the SIA theory of cash receipts and cash disbursements according to Mulyadi and the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City. The results of the research show that the accounting information system for cash receipts and cash disbursements at the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City includes: related functions, documents used, accounting records used and procedures that form the system. The cash receipt accounting information system at the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City has a compatibility with the related functions and the network of procedures that form the system with the theory presented by Mulyadi, because at the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City there is a cash receipt process and also functions related to receipts. cash but there is no delivery function. For the documents used, there are several documents that are not used by pharmacies because all transactions are carried out computerized. Likewise with recording, only making entries in the cash entry book. The accounting information system for cash disbursements at the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City, there are conformities and discrepancies between Mulyadi's theory and what is carried out by the Family 24 Pagar Dewa Pharmacy, Bengkulu City. Conformity can be seen from the existing functions which are in accordance with Mulyadi's theory but there is no internal inspection function. The documents used are not in accordance with Mulyadi's theory because many documents are not made by pharmacies, such as requests for making checks and there is also no preparation of funds for disbursement of all cash disbursement transactions directly issued by the cashier or by the pharmacist and disbursement by transfer is carried out by the pharmacy owner </em></p> Tunggalan Sai, Wagini Wagini, Nenden Restu Hidayah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Performance Of Village Government Officials In The Implementation Of Government Tasks Village In Lebong Atas Sub-District Lebong District <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence the performance of village government officials in carrying out village government duties in Upper Lebong District, Lebong Regency. The sample in this study was 56 village officials in Lebong Atas District, Lebong Regency. Data were collected using a questionnaire and the analysis methods used were multiple linear regression, determination tests and hypothesis tests</em></p> <p><em>The results of the regression analysis show Y = 1.132 + 0.295X1 + 0.333 X2 + 0.341X3. This illustrates a positive regression direction, meaning that there is a positive influence between X1 (motivation), X2 (education) and X3 (work discipline) on performance (Y). This means that if the variables of motivation, education and work discipline increase, the newspaper's performance will improve. The coefficient of determination is 0.780. This means that X1 (motivation), X2 (education) and education) and X3 (work discipline) influence performance (Y) by 78% while the remaining 22% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research. The results of the t test at a significance level of 0.05 explain that partially (individually) the variables education, motivation and work discipline have a significant influence on the newspaper performance variable because the significant value is smaller than 0.05. The results of the F test at a significance level of 0.05 explain that the variables education, motivation and work discipline have a simultaneous influence (together) on the performance of village government officials because the significant value is smaller than 0.05 and Fcount &gt; Ftable (61.362 &gt; 2.78) </em></p> Peri Sanupil, Ahmad Soleh , Yudi Irawan Abi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF WORK DISCIPLINE AND SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT SMO IN BATAM <p>Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Situasional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT SMO di Kota Batam”. Dengan tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh disiplin kerja dan gaya kepemimpinan situasional terhadap kinerja karyawan PT SMO. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui kuesioner dan dikaji berdasarkan teori yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel yang ditetapkan adalah karyawan PT SMO dengan jumlah 62 orang responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara sendiri-sendiri, Nilai signifikansi disiplin kerja 0,000 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 sehingga diputuskan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Gaya kepemimpinan situasional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Nilai signifikansi gaya kepemimpinan situasional 0,810 lebih besar dari α = 0,05. Berdasarkan nilai Beta diketahui bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja karyawan adalah disiplin kerja sebesar 0,762 (76,2%). Secara bersama-sama, disiplin kerja dan gaya kepemimpinan situasional berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT SMO. Keputusan ini didasarkan pada tingkat signifikansi nilai F sebesar 41,166 dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Disiplin Kerja, Gaya Kepemimpinan Situasional, Kinerja Karyawan</p> Agus Sekti Susila Atmaja, Edi Sumarya, Brigida Endah Nuraeni Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH MOTIVASI, KEDISIPLINAN DAN METODE BELAJAR TERHADAP PRESTASI ANAK DI TK KUNTUM BATAM LITTLE ANGEL <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi, kedisiplinan dan metode belajar terhadap prestasi anak di TK Kuntum Batam Little Angel. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua siswa di TK Kuntum Batam Little Angel dengan jumlah 45 orang. Teknik penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel jenuh, maka jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 45 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa dengan studi kepustakaan dan menyebarkan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian dengan taraf signifikansi 5% menunjukkan bahwa variabel motivasi nilai t terhitung sebesar 0,082 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,935&gt; 0,05, maka terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan motivasi terhadap prestasi anak. variabel kedisiplinan nilai t hitung sebesar 3,266 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,002&lt; 0,05, maka terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan kedisiplinan terhadap prestasi anak. variabel metode belajar nilai t hitung sebesar 1,271 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,211&gt; 0,05, maka terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan metode belajar terhadap prestasi anak. Dari uji F diketahui menunjukkan bahwa nilai F hitung untuk motivasi, kedisiplinan dan metode belajar adalah sebesar 79,463 dengan tingkat signifikasi sebesar 0,000. Nilai signifikasi lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 menunjukan bahwa motivasi, kedisiplinan dan metode belajar secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap prestasi anak di TK Kuntum Batam Little Angel.</p> Asner Sihaloho, Imelda Tamba, Brigida Endah Nuraeni, Elfrida Anunu Siki Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence Of Promotion, Interest Rates, And Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction At Bak Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Dana Nusantara Kc Sp Plaza Batam <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of promotions, credit interest rates and services either partially or simultaneously on customer satisfaction at the People's Credit Bank (BPR) Dana Nusantara in KC SP Plaza Batam. This research was conducted using quantitative research methods with a total of 109 respondents and data collection using a questionnaire. The results of this study found that tcount was 4.648 &gt; ttable was 1.659 with a significantce level of 0.00 &lt;0.05, so the of promotion had positif a significant and significantce effect on customer satisfaction. tcount of 1.198 &lt; ttable of 1.659 with a significantce level of 0.234 &lt;0.05, then credit interest rates have no positif and insignificant effect on tcount of 3.538 &gt; ttable 1.659 with a significantce level of 0.001 &lt;0.05, then service has a positif and significant effect on customer satisfaction. From the F test it is known that the fcount of promotions, credit interest rates, and services is 120.688 &gt; 2.69 ftable with a significantce value of 0.000 &lt;0.05. This shows that the variabel. promotion, interest rates, and services simultaneously have a positif and significant effect on customer satisfaction at the People's Credit Bank (BPR) Dana Nusantara KC SP Plaza Batam. </em></p> Gideon Romula Sinaga , Feliks Dabur , Josepin Harianja Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Tractare: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000