Author Guidelines

The guidelines for manuscript authors can be described as follows:

  1. The article is a scientific work that has never been published in any scientific journal.
  2. Articles are written in Indonesian or English with a line density of one space, Times New Roman 12 font, A4 paper size, two-column format, 1 space, 4 cm top margin, 3 cm left, right and bottom margins.
  3. The number of pages of the article is approximately 10-15 pages, including figures, graphs or tables (if any).
  4. Articles are sent via submit at after going through the registration process (register), and logging in on the website above.
  5. The incoming article will be forwarded to the reviewer (bestary partner) in accordance with the field of the article. Articles that have been reviewed by reviewers will be returned to the author (if improvements are needed according to the reviewer).
  6. Articles that are considered worthy of publication will be notified by email.


The systematics of scientific articles of research results in 12 main parts, namely:

  1. Title
  2. Name of the author
  3. Affiliation name
  4. Email address
  5. Abstract
  6. Keywords
  7. Introduction
  8. Research Methods
  9. Results and Discussion
  10. Conclusion
  11. Acknowledgements
  12. Bibliography